Programme > Detailed Conference Programme

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


IGR-IAE Lobby Area, 13:30 – 18:00


Rennes Retail Tour

Visits of innovative retail concepts and discussions with retail managers

Crédit Agricole & Bouvier: the association of a bank and a tea house to change customer relationship

St James: how a traditional store aims at transforming into a connected store:

A Vos Mousses: customers: ready for service co-production?

Meeting point: IGR-IAE Lobby Area, 13:45 [Capacity: 15 participants]


Walking Tour of Rennes: “Territorial Marketing and Arts”

Meeting point: IGR-IAE Lobby Area, group 1: 16h00; group 2: 17h30


Welcoming Reception at the Rennes Town Hall

Welcoming Speech by Mme Pellerin

Vice-Chairman of Rennes Métropole with responsibility for higher education and research

Rennes town hall,19:00; Meeting point: IGR-IAE Lobby Area, 18:45




Thursday, July 2, 2015


IGR-IAE Lobby Area, 8h30 – 8h45



Opening of conference & key note speech, 9h – 10h

 Room: Amphi 2

“Value of consumption experience in omnichannel retailing”

Pr. B. Babin, Max P. Watson, Jr. Endowed Professor, Louisiana Tech University



Parallel sessions 1, 10:30 – 12:00

Strategic retailing 1: Retail environment

The Contemporary Dynamics of GB Urban Retailing: Evaluating the Evidence

Jonathan Reynolds, Said Business School, University of Oxford

Prices, competition, and retail trade areas

Sylvain Willart, IAE de Lille, Université Lille 1

Socio-spatial aspects of the recent growth of hard discounters in the UK

Paul Whysall, Nottingham Trent University

E-commerce & m-commerce 1                                                                                      

The role of the brand in driving online channel use for multichannel retailers

Marta Frasquet, Alejandro Mollá, Maria-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina, University of Valencia

E-Tailing in a Connected Devices World: A Review and Research Agenda

Gerhard Wagner, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Sascha Steinmann, University of Siegen

The role of mobile devices within the customers’ shopping journey in the omnichannel environment of UK fashion high-street retailers

Yanina Deevaa, Eva Helbergera, Marta Blázquez Canob, Anthony Kentc aLondon College of Fashion, bSchool of Textiles, University of Manchester, cSchool of Art and Design, Nottingham Trent University

Consumer behavior 1: CB, image & brand                                                                              

The effects of brand, involvement and expertise on visual attention and purchase intention

Patricia Huddleston, Bridget K. Behe, Mikyeung Bae, Michigan State University

The Role of Prototypes and Novelty in the Aesthetic Perception of Higher and Lower Designed Store Environments

John Murraya, Jonathan Elmsb, Christoph Tellerc , aSchool of Retail and Services Management, College of Business, Dublin, bMassey University, Auckland, New Zealand, cUniversity of Surrey

The brand equity of a retailer: definition, conceptualization and measurement

Julien Troiville, Gérard Cliquet, University of Rennes 1


Parallel sessions 2, 13:30 – 15:00


Corporate Social Responsibility                                                                                                                

Retail Activities vs. Consumer Perceptions and Buying Decisions Regarding Social Responsibility

Ulf Elg, Jens Hultman, School of Economics and Management, Lund University

Key factors influencing the sustainability impacts of purchase and post-purchase consumer decision-making

Helen Goworeka, Alex Hillerb, Tom Fisherc, Tim Cooperd, Sophie Woodwarde aUniversity of Leicester, bNottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University ,cSchool of Art and Design, Nottingham Trent University, dSchool of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, eUniversity of Manchester


E-commerce & m-commerce 2                                                                                                                  

Conceptualizing Smart Shopping with a Smartphone: Implications of the Use of Mobile Devices for Shopping Productivity and Value

Ekaterina Voropanova, Gérard Cliquet, Karine Picot-Coupey, IGR-IAE de Rennes, University of Rennes 1

The Impact of Additional Product Information from Mobile Applications on Purchase Decisions at the Point-of-Sale – Results of an Experimental Study

Sascha Steinmann, Gunnar Mau, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Gerhard Wagner, University of Siegen

Growth of on-line retailing - implications for retail business models. The case of IKEA

Ulf Johanssona, Steve Burtb, John Dawsonc aLund University, bUniversity of Stirling, cEdinburgh University


Consumer behavior 2: CB, value & Satisfaction                                                                                       

Service Recovery Efforts and Customer Satisfaction: Moderating Effect of ICT and Justice

Beatriz Moliner-Velasquez, María Eugenia Ruiz-Molina, Theresa Fayos-Gardo, University of Valencia

Analysing Customer Heterogeneity on the Value-Satisfaction-WOM Relationship in Retailing

Maria Fuentes-Blascoa, Beatriz Moliner-Velazquezb, Irene Gil-Saurab aUniversity Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, bUniversity of Valencia

Effects of value dimensions on cognitive and affective satisfaction and loyalty

María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina, Martina G. Gallarza-Granizo, Irene Gil-Saura, University of Valencia

International retailing                                                                                                                               

What Determines the Speed of Online Retailers’ Internationalization?

Matthias Schu, Dirk Morschett, University of Fribourg

The role of brand identity and entrepreneurship in the internationalisation of a German small specialist retailer

Helen Christmann, Steve Wood, Andrew Alexander, University of Surrey


Understanding how store image affects consumer choice of local origin store brands

Mbaye Fall Dialloa, Joseph Kaswengib, Juan Carlos Gázquez Abadc aUniversity of Lille 2 (IMMD) & LSMRC Lab, Université de Lille-Skema Business School, bUniversity of Orléans, cUniversity of Almería


Plenary Session: “Retailing and Sustainable Development”, 15:30 – 17:00

Room: Amphi 2

Panelists: Dr. J. Bouillé – University of Rennes 2; O. Dauvers - journalist in retailing; Agathe Grossmith Sustainable Development Manager – Carrefour Group; Prof. Dr. H. Schramm-Klein – University of Siegen


Discutant: Dr. L. Lavorata, University Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC), DIACODD project



Visit of the Brittany Regional Contemporary Art Fund (FRAC)

cocktail buffet - 18:15

Meeting point: IGR-IAE Lobby Area, 17:15




Friday, July 3, 2015



IGR-IAE Lobby Area, 8h30 – 8h45


Parallel sessions 3, 8:45 – 10:15


Strategic retailing 2: Retail environment                                                                                                  

Performance Spill-Over Effects between Retail Agglomerations and their Stores – the Case of the High Street

Christoph Teller, Andrew Alexander, Arne Floh, University of Surrey

The Town Centre Consumer: Exploring the Holistic Town Centre Journey

Cathy Harta, Iftakar Hajia, Mohammed Rafiqb, Angus Lainga aLoughborough University, bUniversity of Roehampton

Research into retail patronage and its key antecedents – retrospective and future views

Christoph Teller, Arne Floh, University of Surrey


E-commerce & m-commerce 3                                                                                                                   

Digitalization of retailing: A review and framework

Johan Hagberga, Malin Sundströmb, Niklas Egels-Zandéna aUniversity of Gothenburg, bUniversity of Borås

Re-inventing market orientation on the Internet: The study of digital marketing practices by a Swedish e-tailer.

Veronika Tarnovskaya, Lund University

Securely Online? E-tail Trust and Payment Protocols

Andrew J Murphy, Martin L. Mahler, Massey University, Auckland

Channel management                                                                                                                                   

Organisational Commitment in Inter-Organisational Relationships: Implications for Brand Building in Retailing

Edmund O’Callaghan, Dublin Institute of Technology

Opportunism in power-imbalanced retailer-supplier relationships: The case of the food supply chain

George Maglarasa, Michael Bourlakisb, Leigh Sparksa aUniversity of Stirling, bCranfield School of Management

Can Multimarket Competition Theory explain why Manufacturers are reluctant to adopt e-commerce? The Case of the French Manufacturers of Household Appliances

Madeleine Bessona, Bernard Bourdonb aTelecom School of Management, France, bParis-Est/I.R.G, France



EAERCD General Assembly

Room: Amphi 2; 10:45-11:30



Parallel sessions 4, 11:30 – 13:00


Strategic retailing 3: Methodology                                                                     

The online shopping experience (OSE): Towards the development of a four-order hierarchical model

Aurélia Michaud-Trévinala, Karine Picot-Coupeyb, Thomas Stengerc a University of La Rochelle, b University of Rennes 1, c University of Poitiers

Understanding Business Customer Value in a Retail Environment – A Scale Development Study

Benjamin Ney, Darlene Whitaker, Joachim Zentes, Saarland University

Customer Segmentation in Retailing based on Retail Brand Patronage Patterns

Hanna Schramm-Kleina, Natalie Davidb, Olaf Rankb, Gerhard Wagnera aUniversity of Siegen, bUniversity of Freiburg


Resale Prices in Franchising: Insights from Franchisee Perceptions

Rozenn Perrigota, Guy Basseta, Brinja Meisebergb, aUniversity of Rennes 1, bWestfälische Wilhelms-University of Munster

International Area Development Franchising Relationships in Emerging Markets

Vita Kadile, Matthew Robson, Kathryn Watson, L. Jeremy Clegg, Leeds University Business School

The Growth of Social Franchising in Pakistan: Insights from Franchisees in the Education Sector

Muhammad Akib Warraich, Rozenn Perrigot, University of Rennes 1


Consumer behavior 3: CB & experience                                                                                                 

The in-store shopping experiences of an outdoor adventure retailer’s customers and the relationship thereof with value and repatronage intentions

Nic S. Terblanche, University of Stellenbosch

Generation X - the Unexplored Potential in the Wellness Market

Anna-Maija Kohijoki, Heli Marjanen, Kaisa Saastamoinen, University of Turku

Do Fashion Involvement, Shopping Motivations, Cognitive and Affective Destination Involvement, and Demographics Affect Tourists’ Trip Length? An Empirical Study in the City of Valencia (Spain)

Pauline Sullivana, Martina Gallarzab, Teresa Fayosb, Haydeé Calderónb aTexas State University-San Marcos, bUniversidad de Valencia


Parallel sessions 5, 14:30 – 16:00


Strategic retailing 4: multi- & omni-channel retailing                                                                             

Exploring SME multichannel retailing: preliminary findings from a UK exploratory study

Sheilagh Resnick, Julie Lewis, Nottingham Trent University

The Relevance of Interdependent Effects between Offline and Online Brand Beliefs and Retail Brand Equity for Multichannel Retail Systems

Bernhard Swoboda, Julia Weindel, Trier University

How technological innovations create value in an omnichannel retailing ecosystem?

Mbaye Fall Diallo, Isabelle Collin-Lachaud, University of Lille 2 (IMMD) & LSMRC Lab, Université de Lille-Skema Business School


Retail management 1                                                                                                                                 

Innovations and evolution of employment in the French food retailing. Retrospective and perspectives

Enrico Collaa, Catherine De Gerya, Maria Ruiz Molinab aNovancia Business School Paris, bUniversidad de Valencia

Contextualising ‘entertainment value’: A qualitative inquiry into shopping centre managers’ perspectives

Jason Kokho Sit, Dawn Birch, Bournemouth University

Off the Shelf and Out of the Box – using eye tracking technology to identify and understand consumer attention

Stella Minahanª, Bridget Beheb, Pat Huddelestonb ªDeakin University, bMichigan State University


Consumer behavior 4                                                                                                                                 

Do It Yourself…Yes you can… but you have to do it well! How can retailers drive customers’ work? An Ikea case study

Karine Picot-Coupey, Caroline Tahar, IGR-IAE de Rennes, University of Rennes 1

Why Do People Shop in Physical Stores? – An Empirical Study

Tatjana Freer, Daniel Keßler, Dominik Meiser, Saarland University

The influence of social capital through social media: A study of the creation of value in shopping behaviour

Seungsin Leea, Frances Gunnb, JungKun Parkc aKonkuk University, Seoul, bRyerson University, Toronto, cUniversity of Houston

Education in retailing                                                                                                                                  

Come with at least one case study from a company within the retail sector, free of copyrights, and share it with other participants! It is a way to enrich our retailing lectures.

Discuss about teaching, learning and education in retailing.


Parallel sessions 6, 16:30 – 18:00


Strategic Retailing 5                                                                                                                                   

A discussion on the appropriateness of the employment of the Complex Adaptive Systems theory for the research of Town-Centre Management

Costas Theodoridis, senior lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University

New Paradigms: Changing Business Environments and the Impact on Marketing Strategy

Victoria Lonnesa, Razvan Florin Buse b, Joachim Zentesa aSaarland University, bUniversity of Craiova

The Statistical Relationship Between the Number of Transactions and the Stability of Sales Amount in a Japanese Hotel Chain

Ayuko KOMURA, Kenichi SUZUKI, Meiji University, Tokyo

Retail management 2: Retail pricing                                                                                                         

Price Information Search in Online and Offline Channels

Stephan Zielkea, Thomas Dobbelsteinb aUniversity of Wuppertal, bBaden-Würtemberg Cooperative State University

Price Search, Calculative Trust and Store Loyalty in the Grocery Market

Alan Collinsa, Ella Kavanagha, Richard Georgeb aUniversity College Cork, bSt. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia

New developments in price and loyalty promotion: managerial implications and new avenues for research

Cristina Ziliani, Marco Ieva, University of Parma


Consumer behavior 5: CB & loyalty                                                                                                         

Store equity and loyalty in the context of retailing: What is the causal relationship?

Irene Gil Saura, Maja Šerić, María Eugenia Ruiz Molina, Gloria Berenguer Contrí, University of Valencia

How Store Attributes Impact Shoppers’ Loyalty: Do Different National Cultures Follow The Same Loyalty Building Process?

Monica Grossoa, Sandro Castaldob aE.M. Lyon Business School, bSDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan

Affective Commitment and Customer Loyalty in Crowdsourcing: Antecedents, Interdependencies, and Practical Implications

Matthias Schulten, Fabian Schaefer, Hochschule Furtwangen University



Gala dinner 19:30

Restaurant La Coquerie, Le Coq-Gadby